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Art & Crafts

Connecting with the Creator through creating

Throughout history, people have used art, music and literature as an expression of spirituality, to reflect their religious beliefs, and to help them to focus on practices such as prayer and worship. Beautiful words, images and objects have played a big part in many world religions, Christianity is no different. 

We don’t need to be a wonderful artists to express our beliefs and connect to God through our creat

Art, music and literature are important forms of expression for many people. Whether they are religious or not, many people believe that human beings have an innate spirituality. There is a wide variety of ideas about what this actually means, but put simply, it means that being human goes beyond what we can experience with our senses, minds and intelligence. Throughout history, people have made and used art, music, and literature to express their beliefs and spirituality. We see this in places of worship, often highly decorated with art, sculptures, gold and vibrant colours, designed to venerate God and give worshippers a glimpse of what heaven may be like.

But we don’t need to be a wonderful artists to express our beliefs creatively. There are numerous ways that we can connect with God through creating. we can do this through drawing, painting, sculpture but also through sewing, knitting, woodwork, photography, pottery... the list goes on. 


Let God etch his truths and goodness deep in your heart. Then give him a praise offering through what you create. You may simply be knitting a jumper for a grandchild but I suggest you pray into it, work with pride and fill it with love as you connect with our creator through creating.


I love to draw, paint, knit, sew and craft. When I relinquish control of the materials I’m using and allow the spirit of creation to channel through me, the work produces a powerful catharsis. To achieve this outcome, both the inhale of my doing and the exhale of my giving in are necessary. Though quite outside the normal vision of worship this can be a very moving and exhilarating experience showing honour to God and reflect the beauty of the Gospel.


When human beings, as creations of God, create or encounter the creativity of others, something full circle happens. We suddenly occupy a holy space that connects us to our humanity and yet is permeated by God’s glorious and merciful presence. It is the way the Spirit moves through art that grips me most tightly. No matter the kind of art, it provides a way forward during this often oversaturated, overstated, and unimaginative society we live in. Art can serve as a means to re-translate and re-envision the story of faith and redemption for this world.” Meredith Jane Day


I would like to share with you a few ways the art of others and the crafts of my own creation have moved me, opened a spiritual experience and spread the gospel.


Visio Davina

- Divine Seeing -


Your own creation


An Artful Experience

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Creative Art

- in Mission -

About Me


Through this website I will try to share my views and experiences  of Meeting God in the Everyday. 


I am a wife, sister, friend and in the past I have been a nurse in the NHS, an Acupuncturist and since 2014 I've been an ordained minister in the Church of England. At the moment I am the vicar of four rural parishes in South Warwickshire. 

Meeting with God Every Day


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Podcast Archive

Craft & Activism = Craftivism

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