Meeting with God Every Day
A conversation between two people
You and God!
Is there a wrong way to Pray?
There is no right or wrong way to pray but some people find it hard to pray and find it easier to use established;ished prayers such as The Lords Prayer or to follow set service prayers such as Morning or Evening Prayer.
Sometimes what we need is some simple quick words or ideas as to how to pray.
Here are some suggested ways to pray.
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Prayer is an amazing and powerful invitation to have our concerns understood, empathised with and heard by God.
Time to Pray
Activities of the day want our immediate attention and pull us in may directions. Often prayer is the last thing we have time for but the bible says...
Don't worry about anything: instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6
When entering into a time of prayer it’s often helpful to spend a moment quietening down and centre on God.
The Breath Prayer is a personal prayer, unique to you and your situation and for that reason it may change depending on what is happening in your life. Its a quick, simple easy prayer to use any time in any place.
Soaking Prayer can be described as Resting in God's presence - hence the beautiful picture of the frog!
The Daily Examen is a technique of prayerful reflection on the events of the day in order to detect God’s presence and discern his direction for us.
It can often be difficult to find the words or know what to say in pray for for someone else. Here are a few ways to pray that use your hands.
Prayer is not asking. It's a longing of the soul. It is a daily admission of one's weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart. Mahatma Gandhi
About Me
Through this website I will try to share my views and experiences of Meeting God in the Everyday.
I am a wife, sister, friend and in the past I have been a nurse in the NHS, an Acupuncturist and since 2014 I've been an ordained minister in the Church of England. At the moment I am the vicar of four rural parishes in South Warwickshire.
Meeting with God Every Day
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Podcast Archive
Prayer is a good time to reflect on our life, our actions and our relationship with God.